Educaid in El Salvador

After twelve years of civil war, in 1992 a pacification and democratization process began. Although the war ended about twenty years ago, it still makes feel its legacy: a high sense of social malaise felt by former combatants from both sides; the daily violence carried out by the 'Maras', gangs of young Salvadorians arranged in the US during the war and deported in Salvador after the conflict ended; the increase of migration flows toward the US, causing the loss of the 80% of the GNP and the family crumbling. In such an environment, the educational system plays an essential role in order to transform the Salvadorian society. In spite of the efforts shouldered by the Governments in the last decades, the educational system keeps on facing many difficulties: scarce resources to invest for the sake of infrastructures and didactic programs; high rates of vulnerable students, e. g. those who fail the examinations, those who drop out the school, those in sobredad, (that is those who attend reduced level class designed for younger people), child workers and disabled children; children using violence in the school; lack of an adequate training for teachers and of an inclusive scholastic culture, that could face the rooted inequality and social marginalization.

Along the public education, there is the private one. There are many private schools that contribute to increase the scissors disparity between different social groups. EducAid, together with other partners, is collaborating with the Ministry of Education of El Salvador in order to accomplish co-operational actions aiming to promote the right to education through processes of inclusion that involve local schools and local communities. The main goal is to guarantee the development of the Salvadorian students as persons and as citizens responsible of their own and their country's future.

Our projects in El Salvador