Country: Italy

Donor: Emilia – Romagna Region, Municipality of Rimini, “Con i Bambini” Foundation

Period: February 2020 – December 2020 (11 months)

Thematic area: Education for peace and human rights

Local partners: CIM, ANOLF

Objectives: Promote the development of human rights through non-discrimination, inclusion and the enhancement of diversity. The intention is to raise public awareness on the value of peace and respect for civil rights with particular attention to the youth target, in line with the 16 Sustainable Development Goal of the 2030 Agenda. It aims at the active involvement of citizens and social groups at greater risk of exclusion and marginalization through artistic expressions such as theater and dance.

Direct beneficiaries: 300 primary and secondary school students, 300 families of students, 40 teacher sof primary and secondary schools, 200 citizens participating in public meetings, 30 people with disabilities and 40 citizens participating in the theater and dance workshops, 300 people representing the public at the street theater show, 40 citizens participating in the dance flashmob, 20 people with disabilities participating in the “Io Valgo” March, 200 people participating in the “Io Valgo” March, 50 people representing the public at the round table held during the Disability Day.

Project summary: The project aims to raise public awareness on the issues of multiculturalism, equality and peace, with actions that aim to overcome stereotypes that lead to mistrust and exclusion. The reflection and mobilization by citizens will take place through a double track of actions aimed at involving them in a dynamic and emotional way, on the one hand, and with the aim of disseminating its contents on the other; this will be completed through an articulated communication campaign. The focus of the project is the social street theater show “Come crepe nei muri” of the Teatro Due Mondi in Faenza and an outdoor dance flashmob organized by the “Movimento Centrale – Danza & Teatro” association, hosted in civic spaces. Both will be preceded by workshops involving the participation of vulnerable and marginalized citizens.

In synergy with the project and in collaboration with the Papa Giovanni XXIII Association, the March for the rights of Persons with Disabilities will be held in the streets of Rimini on the occasion of the International Day of Disability; a round table with experts from the Italian Disability and Development Network will follow the march.

To complete the project, there will be a refresher course for teachers, global citizenship education activities and meetings with direct testimonies of those who, in the first person, have been objects of exclusion and have experienced firsthand the experience of strangeness.

It was decided to involve in the project subjects operating in Emilia Romagna in the social, cultural, environmental and associations sectors with a view to consolidating relations in the regional context and providing support to the artistic sector, deeply affected by the economic aspect, from the lockdown caused by Covid 19.