Country: Italy and Romania

Donor: European Commission, Province of Rimini, Municipalities of Rimini, Riccione, Ravenna, Coriano

Period: December 2008 – December 2011

Thematic area: promotion of global citizenship

Partner: Municipality of Coriano, Municipality of Riccione, Voluntary Association “The Global Village” (RA), Social Cooperative Pacha Mama (RN), Coop.Soc. Consortium Share Pope John XXIII (RN), Volunteer Association “Madonna della Carità” (RN), Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR – Cluj Napoca – Romania)

General objective: to promote the common good through education for peace, human rights and sustainable development; produce in the local schools an effective possession of the ability to raise public awareness; actively involve local actors in contributing to the achievement of the Millennium goals

Beneficiaries: 31 members of partner associations took part in training sessions and activities in schools; about 2000 students and family members and 52 teachers belonging to 48 primary and secondary school classes took part in the project activities and in raising public awareness on the Millennium Goals and development issues

Project summary: the objective of the project “Playing a leading role: promoting the common good through peace, human rights and sustainable development” is to involve the world of schools as a whole (teachers, students and parents) in the territories of the provinces of Rimini and Ravenna and in the city of Cluj Napoca, in Romania, towards taking charge of these issues. In fact, the project was developed in parallel in Italy and Romania and through IT twinning it also involved other countries.

The project aims primarily to offer adequate tools for schools and associations to develop the capacity to promote the common good through peace, human rights and sustainable development in an effective way. Secondly, it is proposed to bring them from mere awareness to a sense of responsibility and to protagonism. In Romanian territory, the partner association has been working for some time on peace education and related issues, including sustainable development, involving numerous “policy makers”.

Expected results: activation of 3 Resource Centers (Rimini, Ravenna, Cluj) for the use of teachers, students and citizens for research and awareness-raising initiatives on the Millennium goals; activation of a network of schools through the use of twinning via the internet, which involves Italian, Romanian and so-called transition or developing countries such as Senegal, Palestine, Bosnia and Herzegovina; training of the representatives of the partner NGOs, in order to enhance their skills in Development Education; active participation of teachers and students of a hundred classes for the realization of Development Education activities inside and outside schools; 10 public events organized by schools and associations and aimed at citizens, on the themes of development and the Millennium Goals; design and development of a final publication